Intel SGX SDK/PSW/DCAP: Intel SGX软件开发套件和平台软件服务

Intel SGX Platform Software and Datacenter Attestation Primitives (PSW/DCAP) 在龙蜥生态中为数据中心和云计算平台提供 Intel SGX 技术所需的平台软件服务,如远程证明等。Intel SGX SDK在龙蜥生态中为开发者提供使用 Intel SGX 技术所需的软件开发套件,帮助开发者高效便捷地开发机密计算程序和解决方案。本文介绍如何在Anolis OS 8.6当中基于Intel SGX SDK/PSW/DCAP构建SGX机密计算环境,并演示如何运行示例代码以验证SGX功能。


Intel® SGX以硬件安全保障信息安全,不依赖固件和软件的安全状态,为用户提供物理级的机密计算环境。Intel® SGX通过新的指令集扩展与访问控制机制实现SGX程序的隔离运行,保障关键代码和数据的机密性与完整性不受恶意软件的破坏。不同于其他安全技术,Intel® SGX的可信根仅包括硬件,避免了基于软件的可信根可能自身存在安全漏洞的缺陷,极大地提升了系统安全保障。

检查 SGX 使能状态


  1. 安装cpuid。
sudo yum install -y cpuid
  1. 检查SGX使能状态。
    cpuid -1 -l 0x7 | grep SGX

说明 SGX被正确使能后,运行SGX程序还需要SGX驱动。

  1. 检查SGX驱动安装情况。
    ls -l /dev/{sgx_enclave,sgx_provision}


为开发SGX程序,您需要在您的机器上安装运行时(runtime)、SDK,并配置远程证明服务。本文以Anolis OS 8.6为例演示构建过程,您也可以直接参考Intel官方提供的Intel® SGX软件安装指南安装所需的驱动、PSW等。

1. 安装SGX运行时

mkdir -p $HOME/sgx && \
    cd $HOME/sgx && \
    wget --no-check-certificate && \
    tar zxvf sgx_rpm_local_repo.tgz && \
    sudo yum install -y yum-utils && \
    sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo file://$HOME/sgx/sgx_rpm_local_repo/ && \
    sudo yum install --nogpgcheck -y sgx-aesm-service libsgx-launch libsgx-urts && \
    rm -rf sgx_rpm_local_repo.tar.gz


sudo yum install --nogpgcheck -y libsgx-ae-le libsgx-ae-pce libsgx-ae-qe3 libsgx-ae-qve \
    libsgx-aesm-ecdsa-plugin libsgx-aesm-launch-plugin libsgx-aesm-pce-plugin \
    libsgx-aesm-quote-ex-plugin libsgx-dcap-default-qpl libsgx-dcap-ql \
    libsgx-dcap-quote-verify libsgx-enclave-common libsgx-launch libsgx-pce-logic \
    libsgx-qe3-logic libsgx-quote-ex libsgx-ra-network libsgx-ra-uefi \
    libsgx-uae-service libsgx-urts sgx-ra-service sgx-aesm-service

说明 SGX AESM(Architectural Enclave Service Manager)负责管理启动Enclave、密钥配置、远程认证等服务,默认安装路径为/opt/intel/sgx-aesm-service。

2. 安装SGX SDK

cd $HOME/sgx && \
    export SGX_VERSION="" && \
    wget$SGX_VERSION.bin --no-check-certificate && \
    chmod +x sgx_linux_x64_sdk_$SGX_VERSION.bin && \
    echo -e 'n\n\/opt/intel\n' | ./sgx_linux_x64_sdk_$SGX_VERSION.bin && \
    rm -rf sgx_linux_x64_sdk_$SGX_VERSION.bin && \
    source /opt/intel/sgxsdk/environment

安装Intel® SGX SDK后,您可以参见Intel® SGX Developer Reference开发SGX程序。

说明 Intel® SGX SDK的默认安装目录为/opt/intel/sgxsdk/

3. 配置SGX远程证明服务

Intel® SGX ECDSA远程证明服务通过远程证明来获得远程提供商或生产者的信任,为SGX SDK提供下列信息:

  1. SGX certificates:SGX证书。
  2. Revocation lists:已被撤销的SGX证书列表。
  3. Trusted computing base information:可信根信息。

说明 Intel Ice Lake仅支持基于Intel SGX DCAP的远程证明方式,不支持基于Intel EPID的远程证明方式,您可能需要适配程序后才能正常使用远程证明功能。更多远程证明的信息,请参见attestation-service


  1. 安装Quote Provider Library (QPL)。您可以使用自己定制的 QPL 或使用 Intel 提供的默认 QPL (libsgx-dcap-default-qpl)
  2. 安装 PCK 缓存服务。 PCK Caching Service的安装配置请参考Intel官方PCCS文档:SGXDataCenterAttestationPrimitives
  3. 确保 PCK 缓存服务由本地管理员或数据中心管理员正确设置。还要确保引用提供程序库的配置文件(/etc/sgx_default_qcnl.conf)与真实环境一致,例如:


Intel® SGX SDK中提供了SGX示例代码用于验证SGX功能,默认位于/opt/intel/sgxsdk/SampleCode目录下。

本节演示其中的启动Enclave示例(SampleEnclave),效果为启动一个Enclave,以验证是否可以正常使用安装的SGX SDK。

1. 安装编译工具及相关依赖

yum install -y gcc-c++

2. 设置SGX SDK相关的环境变量

source /opt/intel/sgxsdk/environment

3. 编译示例代码SampleEnclave

  • 进入SampleEnclave目录

    cd /opt/intel/sgxsdk/SampleCode/SampleEnclave
  • 编译SampleEnclave

  • 运行编译出的可执行文件



    Checksum(0x0x7ffd989a81e0, 100) = 0xfffd4143
    Info: executing thread synchronization, please wait...
    Info: SampleEnclave successfully returned.
    Enter a character before exit ...


Intel® SGX SDK中提供了SGX示例代码用于验证SGX功能,默认位于/opt/intel/sgxsdk/SampleCode目录下。


1. 安装编译工具及相关依赖

yum install -y git

2. 设置SGX SDK相关的环境变量

source /opt/intel/sgxsdk/environment

3. 安装SGX远程证明依赖的包

yum install --nogpgcheck -y libsgx-dcap-ql-devel libsgx-dcap-quote-verify-devel

4. 编译被挑战方示例代码QuoteGenerationSample

  • 进入QuoteGenerationSample目录
git clone -b DCAP_1.15
cd SGXDataCenterAttestationPrimitives/SampleCode/QuoteGenerationSample
  • 编译QuoteGenerationSample
  • 运行编译出的可执行文件生成Quote


sgx_qe_set_enclave_load_policy is valid in in-proc mode only and it is optional: the default enclave load policy is persistent:
set the enclave load policy as persistent:succeed!

Step1: Call sgx_qe_get_target_info:succeed!
Step2: Call create_app_report:succeed!
Step3: Call sgx_qe_get_quote_size:succeed!
Step4: Call sgx_qe_get_quote:succeed!cert_key_type = 0x5
sgx_qe_cleanup_by_policy is valid in in-proc mode only.

 Clean up the enclave load policy:succeed!

5. 编译挑战方示例代码QuoteVerificationSample

  • 进入QuoteVerificationSample目录
git clone -b DCAP_1.15
cd SGXDataCenterAttestationPrimitives/SampleCode/QuoteVerificationSample
  • 编译QuoteVerificationSample
  • 生成签名密钥
openssl genrsa -out Enclave/Enclave_private_sample.pem -3 3072
  • 对QuoteVerificationSample Enclave进行签名。
/opt/intel/sgxsdk/bin/x64/sgx_sign sign -key Enclave/Enclave_private_sample.pem -enclave -out -config Enclave/Enclave.config.xml
  • 运行编译出的可执行文件验证Quote


Info: ECDSA quote path: ../QuoteGenerationSample/quote.dat

Trusted quote verification:
    Info: get target info successfully returned.
    Info: sgx_qv_set_enclave_load_policy successfully returned.
    Info: tee_get_quote_supplemental_data_version_and_size successfully returned.
    Info: latest supplemental data major version: 3, minor version: 1, size: 336
    Info: App: tee_verify_quote successfully returned.
    Info: Ecall: Verify QvE report and identity successfully returned.
    Info: App: Verification completed successfully.
    Info: Supplemental data Major Version: 3
    Info: Supplemental data Minor Version: 1


Untrusted quote verification:
    Info: tee_get_quote_supplemental_data_version_and_size successfully returned.
    Info: latest supplemental data major version: 3, minor version: 1, size: 336
    Info: App: tee_verify_quote successfully returned.
    Info: App: Verification completed successfully.
    Info: Supplemental data Major Version: 3
    Info: Supplemental data Minor Version: 1
powered by GitbookFile Modify: 2023-03-07 19:44:29

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